Fraud Risk - The alarm of the experts on the green pass: risk of fraud and low protection of privacy

Fraud Risk - The alarm of the experts on the green pass: risk of fraud and low protection of privacy


Fraud Risk - This is a daily issue with access to digital tech, that’s why it’s wise to keep updated with fresh fraud news on scammers. Scammers have created more sophisticated scams making fraud risk high globally; learn about fraud prevention & fraud trends!


ROME - The green pass vaccination used by the Italian and European governments exposes citizens and institutions to fraud risk or loss. 


This is the alarm launched by Viky Manaila, Trust Services Director of Intesi Group, the Italian trust and IT services company that is part of the international Good Health Pass Collaborative (GHPC) network. The company works on a global model for the interoperability of digital health passports.

Fraud News

Risk of Fraud - The international Good Health Pass Collaborative (GHPC) network defines common standards for the creation of a Digital Health Passport, recognized throughout the world. The discussion involves some of the largest players in the world of ICT, digital payments, as well as government agencies and associations. Just a few names: IBM, Accenture, MasterCard, International Chamber of Commerce, Airports Council International.


There is also a bit of Italy, with Intesi Group, the Italian Certification Authority specialized in consulting services and advanced cloud solutions, which collaborates in particular in the field of electronic signatures and digital identities for the definition of an interoperable model for global level for digital health passports.


“Promoting the resumption of travel, with positive repercussions on the travel sector and beyond, is essential. But fraud risk, however, remains very high, especially for paper certificates that will have a non-trivial role in the post-pandemic phase”, explained Viky Manaila.



For the international Good Health Pass Collaborative (GHPC) network, it is essential to focus on a verifiable paper or digital credentials for extra fraud prevention. They are difficult to forge because they are digitally signed by registered professionals or healthcare facilities. The fear is that we are not going in this direction. 


Furthermore, these credentials, if properly designed, could allow the storage and sharing of the Covid-19 status without any "recall" to the issuer, a key feature for the protection of privacy against fraud.


Not a secondary aspect is precisely that relating to fraud protection of sensitive data. The procedures in force for the Green Pass involve a high risk regarding the fact that the processing of personal data can take place without the control of individuals.


Fraud Risk - There are a couple of globally recognized privacy and data protection principles: user consent, data minimization, data retention requirements, data quality assurance, information security, use of limitation and purpose specification, transparency, personal control, and liability rights.


"There is still too much uncertainty on this point” - explains the company headed by Intesi Group. And it is a problem shared by both the Italian and the European models, “Starting from people, from the protection of rights, including that of freedom of movement and above all that of health, should be a common interest! Fraud Risk: For this reason, we believe that the systems developed by the various States, as well as by international organizations, require an upstream comparison to verify their interoperability”.


Finally, uncertainty also concerns the type of tool to be adopted for fraud prevention: chip, QR Code, card, app. “Interoperability, in fact, also involves sharing the media and tools necessary for sharing information. There is not a single type to adopt - they add by Viky Manaila - the credentials can be issued in digital format and transformed into paper format.

The fundamental principles of data privacy and fraud security remain to be respected, for each format of the green pass".
